Name(s): The indescribable, Mr. Guy (faker form), Samuel Dobbs.
Age: 4 (deceased baby).
Gender: Male.
Species: Undead something.
Type(s): Normal.
History: On January 8, 2003, baby Samuel Dobbs was born. However, he was born five months premature and wasn't breathing, not to mention his hands being twisted clumps of flesh and bone. Furthermore, his eye sockets were large and empty and his mouth unusually wide. 4 years worth of CPR and nothing happened. With great sadness, his parents Melody Fox and Chet Dobbs signed a "Do Not Resuscitate" form, and the baby was buried in the couple's backyard. However, the baby Samuel's spirit refused to accept his fate, and rose from the dead to make his parents recompense for what they've done. He proceeded to poltergeist the incomplete family, ultimately killing them in their bathroom. Samuel buried the two in his old grave, holding each other in death. He now roams the house he was supposed to live in, torturing those who dare enter.